Park Patriots! Red, White and Blue!
Since Jeff has recently taught me how to post pictures on my blog I thought I'd take this opportunity to show everyone that those jerk judges from 7th grade were wrong. I would have made a damn good cheerleader...and just in case you're wondering, Nick and Liz, that is yet another Wisconsin shirt.

We've arrived in Perth after our three day train adventure.
It was a complete success.
The first night was a little shaky given a few snorers, a man that Jeff was convinced was dying and a few parents who let their kids run wild (I do not think your child is as cute as you do. I know, I know, I'm going to be an aunt very soon, but my nieces and nephews will be well behaved!).
But the second day we snuck onto a more secluded car and despite a strange French girl that felt it was her right to stake claim to 6 seats, the next night sleep was much better.
Less than a week until we fly home. And although the train ride offered a good amount of time to reflect, the conflict of emotion is constant. But more on that later. Right now I'm focusing on remaining in the present and enjoying our last few days here.
I find I can't write much more than that, or I'll lose focus.
If you happened to get a call from Jeff and I a few days ago, where the hell were you? We made 9 phonecalls and none of you picked up! It's our last ditch effort to use up the minutes on our phonecard. Prepare yourself for another round, and pick up.
Molly, did you get the message I sent you on im the other day? Make it happen.
Prego ladies, how're you holding up in 100 degree weather?
Julie, the threats are real. I better see you soon.
And that's about it. After a day spent savoring a meat pie and exploring this new lovely city, it's almost time for a nap.
While we were in Adelaide I found a little shop with two different shirts that I really liked. Normally I would hem and haw about making a decision and in the end just buy both (how often do I shop?)
I walked out of that store with only one. I blame Jeff for this. He's finally rubbing off on me.