Goodnight Alberta!
I am sitting at the airport right now waiting for our flight to board.
We have a stop over in Brunei and then it's on to Bangkok.
I promise to journal a lot and post whenever I get the chance but odds are you won't be hearing from me for at least the next 10-12 days.
I also need to post about Jeff Grand's visit along with my final days in Sydney.
His visit was amazing and everything I hoped it would be and I promise to write more when I get the chance.
But now it's off on our two month adventure.
We've gotten our shots, are in the process of taking malaria pills and are well versed in the safety issues when traveling around Thailand...we're ready
I'm ready.
This is what we've been working so long for.
The customs agent made mention of my huge smile in my passport photo...
My answer: This is going to be the trip of a lifetime, how can I not smile?